The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12

The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12
Fear Jehovah, and give glory to him!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Discipline of children

Ephesians 6:4

Now for a balanced approach to parenting, many parents in Christendom justify beating their kids with the scripture about not sparing the rod. However, ever thought that maybe the rod of discipline may not always be physical? Ever thought that maybe there is a better way to discipline your child than beating them with a belt? Giving your child the rod doesn't necessarily mean you have to lay hands on them. Often times that is the easy way out for a parent. Rather than take time to teach them it can be easy to rely on physical discipline. I'm not saying physical discipline is never to be used but it should always be a last resort and not your first instinct. There is a myth that just because you spank your kids they will turn out obedient. I have seen all instances where physically disciplined kids are rebellious and also where they are very obedient, flipside is also true as kids who don't get physical discipline are rebellious and also obedient. Remember we want our children to know the goodness of God that leads to repentance not a God that is cruel.

I have met many a person who had parents that took discipline overboard and it severely stumbled their walk with Christ. Check out for some testimony of this from a pastors son.
Again physical discipline may be needed at some point but don't be trigger happy with it and just as we as parents want our God to be gentle in his chastisement of us when we fall let's show that, same gentleness to our children. Remember the scripture Philippians 4:5 "Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand."


  1. The most ignored verse in today's churches. Now the message is for beating and control. They want to take the totalitarianism in the world into the homes. Child abuse brings discord and can ruin the confidence of someone for life. It can also destroy their relationship with God and bring them into rebellion and disconnection from other people.

  2. Yes and what is dangerous is these pulpit preachers perpetuating the promotion of child abuse by misapplying scripture and then when the parent gets in trouble with social services, the pastor like a true hireling will be hiding in his office while the parent gets their kid taken away.
