The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12

The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12
Fear Jehovah, and give glory to him!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Back to the beginning

 Well, it's been over a year and three months since I posted on here. When one scrolls through the posts on this blog, they will be able to see the changes in doctrine and thought in my Christian journey. I leave those posts up for my own view into how I thought back in the day and for those who, by some chance, still frequent my blog from the beginning of it.

When I started this blog in 2015, under the name "United We Fall, Divided We Stand," blogs were all the rage, and the internet was the wild west. Almost 10 years later, things have drastically changed. There was a group of Christian I used to frequent at that time, most notably the Galatians 4 blog by Bible Believer. In fact, it was the Galatians 4 blog that inspired me to start this one.

I remember constantly checking Bible Believer's Galatians blog so I can read her latest blog post. There were other good blogs such as News 4 the Masses, Liberty to the Captives, Another Voice, and a few others. Just about all of them are gone or inactive, with the exception being "Another Voice." 

Sadly, the woman who ran the Galatians 4 blog (Bible Believer) deconverted and gave up the faith. I remember her last several posts were very black-pilling and disheartening. She seemed like she was despondent and then suddenly announced she was ending her blog. Other people noticed that the last few months of her blog went in a bizarre direction. This was around 2016, if I remember correctly. 

Just a few years ago, I reached out to her via email, and she let me know that she was no longer a bible believer. It was sad to hear, but I also understood that all the evil in the world can take its toll on people, including Christians. 

All these blogs from that time period were cogs in the wheel of the Christian truther online community that were exposing the New World Order. In fact, that was the initial focus of this blog, exposing the NWO. 

Pretty quickly, my blog went from exposing the New World Order to more of a doctrinal focus. After giving it some thought, I have decided to dedicate more time to this blog and return it to its original intent, from a Christian perspective, of course. I have also changed the name back to "United We Fall, Divided We Stand" after it was "Kingdom of Jehoshua Messiah" for several years. 

Not only will this blog be done from a Christian perspective but also a patriotic one. This is different from most Christians who are truthers, especially at the time I started this blog.

Conventional wisdom in much of Christianity in the West is that nothing can be done to stop this New World Order, and only Jesus' return will fix things. I used to have that view. However, I no longer do, and I truly believe that we can do something about our nations. The modern Christian largely rejects patriotism, but this wasn't  always the case. 

In fact, I believe it is only Christians that can return our nation to the great country it once was. Like it or not, our country was founded on Christianity. Just read all the original State constitutions. We had prayer in school,  the bible taught in school, the 10 commandments posted in courthouses, and people swearing on bibles before testifying at court. This definitely was a Christian nation. 

Therefore, I will not only expose the New World Order and its plans but also offer solutions as the black-pilled mentality of just complaining and exposing them, but doing nothing about it has been devastating for our nation and culture. I believe this is precisely what the perpetrators of the New World Order want, a Christian population that is just sitting on its hands waiting for Jesus to fix everything. 

So welcome to the rebranding of the blog to its original name, and please feel free to engage in the comment section. And just know this, we are going to win our country back to the Kingship of Christ as our children and grandchildren depend on it.

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