The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12

The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12
Fear Jehovah, and give glory to him!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What would Jesus do?

The above video was taken by Evangelist Anita Fuentes and her husband as they ran into a bus carrying illegal immigrants to a detention center.

... Last Days Perilous Times Will Come" Open Your Eyes People Broadcast

I wonder how Jesus would treat illegal immigrants. Disgusting to see so called Christians have bigotry towards those who are seeking a better life. Let's not forget that many of us are son's and daughter's of immigrants. Yeah I know there are some that come here with bad intentions but that doesn't mean we live in fear. These bad intentioned immigrants are far outnumbered by those who come with hopes of a better life. As Christians our mindset should be focused on giving t...hem the Gospel not being worried about the benefits they will get from the government.

Why aren't we as Christians calling out those Rich people-CEO's, Pastor's, religous institutions and corporations that are taking us to court and hording treasure on this earth? Why are we allowing rich Pastor's to skew our view of the poor and immigrants? We as Christians are letting the Rich manipulate us into turning against the poor and less fortunate? In essence they have us the sheep of God doing their dirty work as foot soldiers for right wing politics and causing us to have a lack of love for the poor and immigrant in their midst. Do you have love for the least of these as Jesus said or do you take on the attitiude of your obsessed with politics Pastor's


  1. I understand your frustration but there are other considerations namely the law. Seeking a better life is great but remember Jesus said:

    And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

    Jesus is saying one should follow the law.

    I made a trip to Las Vegas as a white male and was met with bigotry from Spanish speaking workers in a bank as I was the only white male in the lobby so bigotry is working both ways.There is a thinking that many immigrants are not assimiliating as one country, language, and border. Many Americans fought and died for a sovereign, one America.

    There is also the matter of disease. Many children are coming across the border illegally bringing disease with them to communitites rather than legally becoming a citizen. So now the kids of legal Americans no matter what race are put into danger from disease because of illegality.

    I suspect Jesus would say treat illegal immigrants as people and help them become a legal citizen and show them the way to do this.

  2. I have no problem with law enforcement doing it's job and deporting those who are illegal however my concern is how we as Christians treat them. I don't think we are to be witch hunters like the above video with Anita Fuentes shows where we blast illegals and even demonization of them. As Christians we should be giving them the gospel and loving them. Now what law enforcement does with them is neither here nor there as far as we are concerned as Christians as our job is to give them the good news per Matthew 28 the great commission.
