The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12

The Three Angels' of Revelation 14:6-12
Fear Jehovah, and give glory to him!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Whom Do we Fear?

     Matthew 10 :28
    "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
    The question is, do we as Christians really believe this or is it just a scripture we like to gloss over?

    I submit to you that most American Christians really don't believe this scripture in practice. Why do I say this? Because I see a lot of fear in Christians right now concerning Muslims and ISIS in particular. The Pulpit Preachers have irresponsibly stirred up their congregations with fear mongering of Muslims. Are Muslims the enemy of Christ? YES! Are we as Christians supposed to have any fear of them? NO! Is this country in danger of being taken over by Muslims as Jack Hibbs and Franklin Graham would have you believe? Absolutely Not!!! Those who buy into this fear based agenda don't do their homework and investigate the false right wing pseudo Christian journalistic news reports of ISIS having training camps in Mexico. These have been proven to be utterly false and unverified. The cartels don't stand to gain anything from ISIS setting up in their territory as Mexican cartels are all about the Chedda $$$!
    Also, these people buying into the hype don't learn from the past and the same type of fear mongering going on now with the muslims happened with the Japanese in World War 2 and Communists during the cold war. Also, they don't realize that the enemy from within (our own government) poses a far greater threat than some radical likely CIA and British Intelligence created Islamic group. The United Nations and the International Banksters who by the way control the Federal Reserve are far more likely to take this country over than any Islamic group ever will. There is a New World Order coming by way of the false prophet (America) and the antichrist (papacy) really and that my brother's and Sister's poses a far greater threat to us than ISIS.

    Ever wonder why all the beheading videos from ISIS look fake? They look way to clean and manufactured to be real. New World Order Productions if you will. Don't let the media manipulate you and don't be fooled by Tell Lie Vision!

    And even if Muslims did come over here to take over, the question you should ask yourself is, Are you ready to give up your life for Christ and really put into practice Matthew 10:28?
    That question my brother's and Sister's is far more important than, "what can our government do to protect us from the radical muslims?"

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